Kerry Greenaway hosts 'The Spirit Dimension', co-hosts 'Dark Mirror Show'. Kerry has a profound interest in Crystals, Minerals and the Paranormal (which started at a young age). After attending spiritual workshops and learning about various forms of divination, this led Kerry to learn Tarot Cards, which she has now been reading for the past twenty years. However, this is not her main focus. Her passion is Crystals and Minerals and this led her to start her own business, Spirit & Soul Island, allowing her to work in both the spiritual and paranormal field. She is well versed in working with Crystal energy and specialises in bringing various crystals together to form the perfect combination for the situation or person. Kerry's speciality lies with working with Crystal Grids and has used this experience within the Paranormal field, with a view to helping increase activity. This is an area of ongoing experimentation and research. Keery also makes use of a technique called 'Crystal Gridding and is keen to use it on investigations
Kerry Ann Carter presents The 'Seventh Sanctum' show Kerry is a member of Trident Paranormal Events. I have been a part of the paranormal movement one way or another for the last few years. I am a newbie but I love learning about different aspects of the paranormal and even more so discussing them
Paul Rook presents 'The Paranormal Concepts Show' on Parasearch Radio UK on Tuesday nights LIVE at 9 pm. Talking about everything within the Paranormal World. Paul has always been interested in the Paranormal from a very young age, from The Yeti to Loch Ness Monster. Paul used to be a fan of some of the Paranormal TV Shows, Paul then started to experience the Paranormal for himself and learned a lot and is still learning. "My Paranormal Journey started in 2007, I have experienced lots of activity and undertaken a study into Parapsychology. I am also one of 3 owners of Trident Paranormal Ltd. I will give my opinions based on my experience. As for me, I am a firm believer that NO one can claim to be an expert in the Paranormal !" Paul is also a co-owner of the 'Trident Paranormal Events' - ghost investigations
Jay and Teresa Lynch have been investigating the paranormal for 6 yrs. Teresa has always had an interest in the paranormal and has had experiences since she was a child. After attending an investigation with Jay at a local venue they both became passionate about the field! Quickly becoming the home team at Poasttown Elementary School and began leading show. Paranormal Hindsight' host the 'Jay & Teresa Lynch walk through of the History and Haunts of the location. Soon they found themselves living in the school and investigating at least 2-3 nights a week for the next 4 1/2 yrs. Working with hundreds of different teams and thousands of people gave them the chance to learn multitudes of theories and techniques! Teresa quickly learned how to harness the talents that she had as a child. She has focused her abilities into energy healing using her energy combined with stones and crystals. Jay takes a more scientific approach to investigating the paranormal and cryptids! They both have very open minds and approach the investigation from the scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual sides together. You can always find them networking through their radio shows, appearances, and many charitable events they help with.
Mark Manley. co-hosts The Dark Mirror show with Kerry Greenaway. Mark is a 4th Dan kickboxing instructor. Mark is also a Manager with Trident Paranormal Ltd, and run Trident Dark Nights ghost walks and tours as manager. I too look forward to talking about the paranormal with my co-host Kerry Greenaway and promote Trident Dark Nights and tell you all what we get up to on events as well as our passion for the paranormal.
Andy Mercer is the station manager at Parasearch Radio, web site designer, show 'jingle' writer and occasional presenter
Andy has been involved in paranormal investigations more than 30 years. Andy is a published writer, researcher and professional Jungian Psychotherapist with 30 plus years of experience in investigating both the esoteric and the paranormal. Andy approaches both subjects primarily as a parapsychologist, concentrating on how the mind and human consciousness are affected by these experiences, rather than simply believing everything wholesale. Having initially been involved in writer and researcher Andy Collins’ Earthquest group, which investigated both paranormal and occult-based activity back in the late 1980s The mid 90s, following a sojourn at university, as a mature student reading Philosophy, Andy once again became involved with the paranormal, first working with a team based in South East England and then by setting up The Institute of Paranormal Research. In addition to running the IoPR, Andy has worked with a number of other paranormal groups and special events companies. As well appearing as a guest on various Internet radio shows, Andy also co-hosted the ‘KTPF’ paranormal Internet radio show. Andy has written for a number of publications both online and in the ”Real World”. These include commissioned articles for professional psychotherapy publications and magazines. Andy has had published focusing on the Germanic runes and the ‘Enochian Magic’ of booksDr. John Dee. Andy is also the owner of 'Liber Occultus' - Esoteric books publisher
Richard Clements is the original founder and President of Parasearch Radio
"What I hope for Parasearch Radio to achieve is for it to become a hub for like-minded people who enjoy listening to a varied selection of content that covers a vast area of what is known as the paranormal. My interest started way back in the 1970s as a young boy who had a fascination with ghost stories, back then the local library was the main resource for any young budding paranormal researcher. I was particularly influenced by the works of Peter Underwood and later on Arthur C Clarke. I hope what I’m are trying to present here through Parasearch Radio will reflect on the time when paranormal research was conducted at a slightly more sedate pace."
Penny Griffiths-Morgan - Penny is a member of Trident Paranormal, hosting events in her local area. She has always had a keen interest in the paranormal after several experiences dating back to childhood. This, coupled with her almost fanatical obsession with history has given rise to the "Haunted Histories" show
Join Jay and Teresa Lynch, on Monday nights when they host 'Paranormal Hindsight' from across the Pond. Coming straight from the U.S with all the views and news about all upcoming paranormal cases in America
The KTPF Reload Show will feature some of the best interviews from more than 4 years of live weekly shows. Originally hosted by Steve and Sue Taggart, for the last year of its run they were joined by Parasearch's Andy Mercer as a co-host. Here's your chance to listen back to some excellent interviews with some of the leading lights of the paranormal world (and a few rather strange one's too!)
The Spirit Dimension is hosted by Kerry Greenaway, this is the show that looks at the spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric side of the unexplained. She is joined each week by a guest discussing all aspects of the spiritual way of life.

Parasearch's 'popup' show whenever the mood takes us
The Special Events show with extended interviews live location broadcasts and adventures
The Dark Mirror show is hosted by Mark Manley, Caz Rooney & Kerry Greenaway. They will be talking to you about Events and location that Trident Dark Nights have attended as well as cover all aspects of the Paranormal and providing the History and the Facts.

The Occasional Special interviews on a Sunday evening

Paranormal news, views and reviews from the UK and beyond
Join host Paul Rook, Live for all things Paranormal as he takes a unique look at everything ranging from fact and fiction to Myths and Legends He'll have it all on The Paranormal Concept Show. We will also have guests on the show, as well as speaking about all the adventures that Paul's group Trident Paranormal will be getting up to on future Paranormal Investigations.

Join Penny, G Morgan as she recounts the history of various sites of historical interest from here in the UK and elsewhere. Listen as she takes you on a journey from the earliest of times up until the modern day, and find out whether the inhabitants of these places throughout time are still with us today.